阿库娅都能看懂的Zustand源码解读(不是) 先贴两个核心源码文件 可以先大致扫描一眼Zustand官方仓库的源码:https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/blob/main/src
vanilla.ts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 const createStoreImpl: CreateStoreImpl = (createState ) => { type TState = ReturnType<typeof createState> type Listener = (state: TState, prevState: TState ) => void let state: TState const listeners: Set <Listener> = new Set () const setState: StoreApi<TState>['setState' ] = (partial, replace ) => { const nextState = typeof partial === 'function' ? (partial as (state: TState) => TState)(state) : partial if (!Object .is(nextState, state)) { const previousState = state state = replace ?? (typeof nextState !== 'object' || nextState === null ) ? (nextState as TState) : Object .assign({}, state, nextState) listeners.forEach((listener ) => listener(state, previousState)) } } const getState: StoreApi<TState>['getState' ] = () => state const getInitialState: StoreApi<TState>['getInitialState' ] = () => initialState const subscribe: StoreApi<TState>['subscribe' ] = (listener ) => { listeners.add(listener) return () => listeners.delete(listener) } const destroy: StoreApi<TState>['destroy' ] = () => { if (import .meta.env?.MODE !== 'production' ) { console .warn( '[DEPRECATED] The `destroy` method will be unsupported in a future version. Instead use unsubscribe function returned by subscribe. Everything will be garbage-collected if store is garbage-collected.' , ) } listeners.clear() } const api = { setState, getState, getInitialState, subscribe, destroy } const initialState = (state = createState(setState, getState, api)) return api as any } export const createStore = ((createState ) => createState ? createStoreImpl(createState) : createStoreImpl) as CreateStore
react.ts 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 export function useStore <TState , StateSlice >( api: WithReact<StoreApi<TState>>, selector: (state: TState) => StateSlice = identity as any , equalityFn?: (a: StateSlice, b: StateSlice) => boolean , ) { if ( import .meta.env?.MODE !== 'production' && equalityFn && !didWarnAboutEqualityFn ) { console .warn( "[DEPRECATED] Use `createWithEqualityFn` instead of `create` or use `useStoreWithEqualityFn` instead of `useStore`. They can be imported from 'zustand/traditional'. https://github.com/pmndrs/zustand/discussions/1937" , ) didWarnAboutEqualityFn = true } const slice = useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector( api.subscribe, api.getState, api.getServerState || api.getInitialState, selector, equalityFn, ) useDebugValue(slice) return slice } export type UseBoundStore<S extends WithReact<ReadonlyStoreApi<unknown>>> = { (): ExtractState<S> <U>(selector: (state: ExtractState<S> ) => U): U <U>( selector: (state: ExtractState<S> ) => U, equalityFn : (a: U, b: U ) => boolean , ): U } & S type Create = { <T, Mos extends [StoreMutatorIdentifier, unknown][] = []>( initializer: StateCreator<T, [], Mos>, ): UseBoundStore<Mutate<StoreApi<T>, Mos>> <T>(): <Mos extends [StoreMutatorIdentifier, unknown][] = []>( initializer: StateCreator<T, [], Mos>, ) => UseBoundStore<Mutate<StoreApi<T>, Mos>> /** * @deprecated Use `useStore` hook to bind store */ <S extends StoreApi<unknown>>(store: S): UseBoundStore<S> } const createImpl = <T>(createState: StateCreator<T, [], []>) => { if ( import.meta.env?.MODE !== 'production' && typeof createState !== 'function' ) { console.warn( "[DEPRECATED] Passing a vanilla store will be unsupported in a future version. Instead use `import { useStore } from 'zustand'`.", ) } const api = typeof createState === 'function' ? createStore(createState) : createState const useBoundStore: any = (selector?: any, equalityFn?: any) => useStore(api, selector, equalityFn) Object.assign(useBoundStore, api) return useBoundStore } export const create = (<T>(createState: StateCreator<T, [], []> | undefined) => createState ? createImpl(createState) : createImpl) as Create
emm…看起来好繁琐,好!那接下来把核心的部分以从顶至底的方式简化一下 我将上述核心代码简化成分成两个核心的js版本
React-min.js 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 import useSyncExternalStoreExports from 'use-sync-external-store/shim/with-selector' import { createStore } from './vanilla.ts' export const create = (createState ) => createState ? createImpl(createState) : createImpl const createImpl = (createState ) => { const api = typeof createState === 'function' ? createStore(createState) : createState const useBoundStore = (selector?, equalityFn ) => useStore(api, selector, equalityFn) Object .assign(useBoundStore, api) return useBoundStore } export function useStore ( api, selector, equalityFn? ) { const slice = useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector( api.subscribe, api.getState, api.getServerState || api.getInitialState, selector, equalityFn, ) return slice }
vanilla-min.js 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 export const createStore = ((createState ) => createState ? createStoreImpl(createState) : createStoreImpl) const createStoreImpl = (createState ) => { let state const listeners = new Set () const setState = (partial, replace ) => { const nextState = typeof partial === 'function' ? partial(state) : partial if (!Object .is(nextState, state)) { const previousState = state state = replace ?? (typeof nextState !== 'object' || nextState === null ) ? nextState : Object .assign({}, state, nextState) listeners.forEach((listener ) => listener(state, previousState)) } } const getState = () => state const getInitialState = () => initialState const subscribe = (listener ) => { listeners.add(listener) return () => listeners.delete(listener) } const destroy = () => { listeners.clear() } const api = { setState, getState, getInitialState, subscribe, destroy } const initialState = (state = createState(setState, getState, api)) return api }
现在是不是好看很多了捏,接下来我们平铺开来逐个解读每一个函数的作用 <1> create 很明显这个就是我们平时使用 zustand 的入口文件
1 2 export const create = (createState ) => createState ? createImpl(createState) : createImpl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 const useBearStore = create((set ) => ({ bears : 0 , increasePopulation : () => set((state ) => ({ bears : state.bears + 1 })), removeAllBears : () => set({ bears : 0 }), })) const myCreateState = (set ) => ({ bears : 0 , increasePopulation : () => set((state ) => ({ bears : state.bears + 1 })), removeAllBears : () => set({ bears : 0 }), }) const useBearStore = create(myCreateState)
可以看出 我们的这个create函数 传入了一个 包含state和action的函数,也就是上面分离后的myCreateState
函数. 好!我们回到create源码上
1 2 3 4 5 export const create = (createState ) => createState ? createImpl(createState) : createImpl
<2> createImpl 也就是进入到create接口的功能实现函数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 const createImpl = (createState ) => { const api = typeof createState === 'function' ? createStore(createState) : createState const useBoundStore = (selector?, equalityFn ) => useStore(api, selector, equalityFn) Object .assign(useBoundStore, api) return useBoundStore }
<3> createStore 这里其实和create一样,传入的依然是 createState 也就是我们的 myCreateState
函数 并且判断依然和create一样: 判断如果createState不为空调用createStoreImpl(createState)执行 为空则不调用执行createStoreImpl而是将 useBearStore = createStoreImpl,即将其变成createStore
1 2 export const createStore = ((createState ) => createState ? createStoreImpl(createState) : createStoreImpl)
<4> createStoreImpl 也就是进入到createStore接口的功能实现函数 这里就是我们Zustand的第一个核心部分了,这里的设计充分体现了发布订阅者模型 这个函数包含了 4个核心api:setState
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 const createStoreImpl = (createState ) => { let state const listeners = new Set () const setState = (partial, replace ) => { const nextState = typeof partial === 'function' ? partial(state) : partial if (!Object .is(nextState, state)) { const previousState = state state = replace ?? (typeof nextState !== 'object' || nextState === null ) ? nextState : Object .assign({}, state, nextState) listeners.forEach((listener ) => listener(state, previousState)) } } const getState = () => state const getInitialState = () => initialState const subscribe = (listener ) => { listeners.add(listener) return () => listeners.delete(listener) } const destroy = () => { listeners.clear() } const api = { setState, getState, getInitialState, subscribe, destroy } const initialState = (state = createState(setState, getState, api)) return api }
这里为了方便 对照,我再次把Zustand使用时候的代码贴到这里
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 const myCreateState = (set ) => ({ bears : 0 , increasePopulation : () => set((state ) => ({ bears : state.bears + 1 })), removeAllBears : () => set({ bears : 0 }), }) const useBearStore = create(myCreateState)
<5> useStore 到了我们的第二个核心功能部分。useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector
函数 即是让Zustand实现将自己建立的store 与 react的view层 进行绑定的核心钩子
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 export function useStore ( api, selector, equalityFn? ) { const slice = useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector( api.subscribe, api.getState, api.getServerState || api.getInitialState, selector, equalityFn, ) return slice }
首先我们可以看到其中写道: useSyncExternalStore
是一个让你订阅外部 store 的 React Hook。哈?原来React已经给你提供了一个专门用来订阅自定义的全局状态管理仓库的函数捏~
subscribe:一个函数,接收一个单独的 callback 参数并把它订阅到 store 上。当 store 发生改变,它应当调用被提供的 callback。这会导致组件重新渲染。subscribe 函数会返回清除订阅的函数。
getSnapshot:一个函数,返回组件需要的 store 中的数据快照。在 store 不变的情况下,重复调用 getSnapshot 必须返回同一个值。如果 store 改变,并且返回值也不同了(用 Object.is 比较),React 就会重新渲染组件。
可选 getServerSnapshot:一个函数,返回 store 中数据的初始快照。它只会在服务端渲染时,以及在客户端进行服务端渲染内容的 hydration 时被用到。快照在服务端与客户端之间必须相同,它通常是从服务端序列化并传到客户端的。如果你忽略此参数,在服务端渲染这个组件会抛出一个错误。
这里的 api.subscribe 和 api.getState 不正式对应了我们上面返回 api 中的 subscribe 和 getState 函数嘛(第三个参数我们这里暂时跳过)
这里它返回一个 store 中数据的 快照。如果你用过pinia的话,你可能可以想到,为什么在这里不直接使用一个解构语法来直接获取, 那为何要进一步去封装它呢?
这里我们就需要考虑到React的特性了, 解构语法其实就相当于以下:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 const obj = { a : 1 , b : 2 } const [a, b] = objconst obj = { a : 1 , b : 2 } const a = obj.aconst b = obj.b
因此本质上你还是取了一个完整的对象 React 的渲染模式 是一种浅比较更新, 因此在这里你使用了一个对象, 你修改了这个对象内的值 依然会触发组件的重渲染, 而 封装useSyncExternalStoreWithSelector
利用一种 selector 的形式 来获取到你想要的值或者操作, 从而避免了直接获取整个state对象来导致即使你不使用的变量在其它组件的更新也会触发本组件的重渲染 而equalityFn
1 2 3 4 5 const treats = useBearStore( (state ) => state.treats, (oldTreats, newTreats ) => compare(oldTreats, newTreats), )
Zustand 的 vanilla 提供了 store 核心代码 是一种通过闭包 + 发布订阅者模型 来实现的
Zustand 的 react 提供了 将 store 与 React的view层绑定的钩子, 让其可以在React 中运作.